artwork > Seasick

With rapidly accelerating economic anxiety, mounting environmental degradation, and climate change, the uncertainty of tomorrow weighs heavy. The collective fight or flight response has forced society to develop resiliency, but what if we can no longer handle what comes next? How do we function in a constant state of trepidation?

Life in Louisiana is a constant ebb and flow, a perpetual state of entropy. The water surrounding us provides fertile soil, promotes growth, and quenches our thirst, but also possesses the power to damage, devastate, and destroy. The Mississippi River hovers over New Orleans, a doomsday clock patiently ticking. When the deluge can no longer be kept at bay, everybody must ask the question, what if I can’t swim?

Seasick is a collection of artworks that all refer to moments in my life of alarm, anxiety, fright, dread, and apprehension. These artworks all stem from my relationship to Louisiana’s bodies of water, considering their healing nature and catastrophic potentialities. Consisting of paintings, drawings, objects, sculptures, and my first video, Seasick lingers on the fluidity of stability, the mornings after disaster, and the fear of being swept away.

Seasick (video interview)

(filmed and edited by Rebecca Yeager)